
Why all The Stupidity?

Bona Fide Stupidity Warning and Disclaimer-This is the Only Serious
You will See on This Blog Site-and This Really is SERIOUS:

Terms of Use for the Bona Fide Stupidity Blog Site

This is a PG-13 or less site!

An occasional "necessary" curse word for expression is acceptable on this site, those posts that have a count of swearing more than twice per 3 or 4th paragraph will be deleted. Any racial slurs and discriminatory slurs will be removed. The F-word and words not suitable for full presentation must be censored such as "F***." Or C****.

In regards to the above statement: Those of whom think we are spoiling your fun by saying this just remember it's the American Way to spoil your fun, and to watch your own back at the expense of personal freedom. That and we the people of Bona Fide Stupidity don't want to get sued.

Furthermore, no outrageously gross sexual content or those involved in this blog and
the development of this site will not be held responsible the extreme
stupidity of those who cannot understand that I am just simply not willing to take
responsibility of any demeaning, harassing extremely lewd and disrespectful behavior
of others. So, if I receive anything that is beyond just slightly offensive and is considered
demeaning by most people's standards your post will be removed.

Therefore, keep your porn, your disgustingly gross (and maybe some not
so gross) graphic sexual encounter details to yourself-or publish a record of it and
sell it. But please, anything beyond very vague sexual innuendos will not be
tolerated here. Keep this post PG-13 or less please!!!

Violators will be first asked to modify any questionable posts, and if they don't the posts will be removed within 3 days. Repeat offenses of extremely offensive posts will be reported, and dealt with on an individual basis. Most of the time these posters will be banned from this site.

Bona Fide Stupidity Question #1: Why all the Stupidity?

Stupid Saying: A stupid question gets a stupid answer. -Author Unknown

Did you ever wonder why people involved in truly immense Bona Fide
Stupidity decide to make up stupid blogs, or worse yet try to make up the
stupidest blog ever? Usually it's because they usually have nothing better
to do or because they just want to make people laugh, and sometimes to
make money. Stupid blogs are not really meant for any type of intelligence
whatsoever. The question is, should those who make up stupid blogs such as
this one be allowed to do so?


Why all the stupidity? Well, the only intelligent answer that Bona Fide
Stupidity has to offer so far is as mentioned above, in the prelude to
this post. Most people really can genuinely write about nothing and think
It's the most unique intelligent thing in the whole Wide Web, and they
most of the time do it because they really do not have anything
better to do.

Furthermore, they think it is possible that they can make money off such
Bona Fide Stupidity. This is because those who write what they think are
the stupidest blogs ever will actually make people laugh. However, how are
those who are involved in such Bona Fide Stupidity supposed to judge
people who write not only stupid blogs but the stupidest blogs ever? They
themselves involved in this Stupidity with a capital S (or even stupidity
not capitalized upon yet) are doing it themselves?

Go figure! Such hypocrisy in this world, and to think that the majority of
the world probably doesn't even give a monkey's turd! (The worst blogs are
those in which swearing exists which may happen at some point in this
blog. Consider this fine print in parenthesis fair warning and don't even
think of taking me to court if your child under 18 views this. Parents
wake up! Don't blame anyone involved in Bona Fide Stupidity for your own
stupidity. Watch your own damn kids those involved in Bona Fide Stupidity
Don't have time.)


Anonymous said...

I appreciate your sentiment. This is advertised as a site for stupidity-as if it is a stupid site. It's great that you are making your mark in the world by writing what you are writing. I think it's funny how you are so subtle in addressing issues of hypocrisy and the frustration of having our American freedom stripped away-for those of us who live in American that is.

Of course you said the part where the American Way is included is not supposed to be funny. You make the point real well. You want to express yourself, and you want this site to be slightly offensive but not in any way demeaning or derogatory in any way.

I am wondering myself why all the stupidity...but...you know...we should stop taking life so seriously. So many people in this world are really uptight, and they are major perfectionists. I know because I just lost my job from making too many mistakes-the biggest of all being that I got so damn defensive about other people noticing my faults. But now I say...F***it. Why worry what others think? Besides, I want to work on my own. I hate working for other people. Eh?

I love writing on stupid blogs though. Congrats on this awesome new blog! Keep up the good work!--John

Anonymous said...

I think you were right about one thing. This really IS the stupidest blog on the web. This is a waste of my time. Moving right ALONG!!

I'm going to find some GOOD and USEFUL and interesting blogs to read.


Anonymous said...

Don't listen to S.A. Ray. She is probably one of those uptight people that john mentioned about. She should take the lump of coal out of her Ass, and use it to sue us!

Anonymous said...

Hey S.A. spoil sport or whatever your name is...oh yeah...I better be careful...I just...well...if this gets posted I just want to say of all the people who need to come back to this blog you are definately it.

You need to LIGHTEN UP!!! TAKE A CHILL PILL!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I definately think S.A. Ray is right. It is Bona Fide Stupidity to even make a blog such as this. What about our dying children...or our whole world going to hell in a handbaskets? Or worse yet, American presidents who can't keep it in their pants?

Can't you think of a better blog to write than this???

Anonymous said...

If you think that you shouldn't waste your time writing on this blog-those who are with S.A. Ray on this I mean. Really...why waste the 5 minutes that you could have been using going to the bathroom or giving your husband a good night kiss to criticize a blog that YOU think is a WASTE of your time? If this blog site was such a waste of your time then why did you take the time to comment??? Go back to your hole in the wall, please!!!sarah H.

Anonymous said...

I think the only thing we should be concerned about right now is the amount of people who can't even spell. These blogs and blog responses are absolutely aweful. Don't ANY of you have anything intelligent to say?

Julie U.S. Writer said...

Dear "Thinks This Blog is Stupid",

Re: My response to your comment

On 4/05/2006 4:54 AM you asked...

"I think the only thing we should be concerned about right now is the amount of people who can't even spell. These blogs and blog responses are absolutely aweful. Don't ANY of you have anything intelligent to say?"

My Answer is...

That is precisely the point of this blog, though. Absolutely nothing. So you will have to just get used to it. Don't you want the freedom to say whatever you want? Or not? That's what I am offering for the most part.

Anonymous said...

But you

Julie U.S. Writer said...

You can say it. Just don't SPELL it. The constitution says freedom of SPEECH, not FREEDOM of SPELL.

So F*** you. Okay?

Julie U.S. Writer said...

Dear thinks this blog is stupid: This is a notice that if you do not either put **** marks in place of all the letters of all the offensive words you have used, except for the firs letter of each one, then you will have them modified for you in 3 days. I appreciate your cooperation in this matter or I will have to not let you come back here. This is supposed to be a PG 13 post.

All your words should be like this...s****, F****, c****sucker.

Anonymous said...

You really DON'T allow us to say anything we want and I think THAT is stupid. IF we want to say S*** we should just be able to say it, or F*** if we want!!

Julie U.S. Writer said...

You can say it just don't SPELL it...your words should be like this...F****, Damn, C***Sucker. Something like that.

Julie U.S. Writer said...

To remind everyone posting...the original question is...should those who want to make up stupid blogs like this one be allowed to do so?

Anonymous said...

this is a blog for extremely immature and stupid people. Don't waste your time.-Detry

Anonymous said...

Don't listen to Detry I think its funny.